Amazing browser
Mining Bitcoins!

Bitcoin Falls
Like Rain !!

You may not believe...

You might think "It's such a fool !!"
But this is "The Truth"

Truly. From now on.
You will receive a Bitcoin every day.

What you need to do is surprisingly easy.
Install and use a new browser.

It's just that.

Safety performance is
same as Google Chrome.

Google Chrome and Cryptotab are family and brothers.
Developed in the same community and created with the same technology.

Your privacy will continue to be protected by Google.
No one can steal your information.
That is of course also from us.

If you are a Google Chrome user.
There is nothing left to worry about anything.

Download it right away and start using it.
And please login with your Google ID.

Everything is synced and reproduced complete.
All your favorites and extensions can be used as they are.

Your life will make a big leap !!

You can get much more Bitcoins.
And it's very very very easy.

If you want it.
There is only one thing you should to do.

Please increase your mining friends.
Maybe you will surprise !! Because it's very easy.

And anybody will enjoy Bitcoin mining with you.
Perhaps you won't find another easy affiliate like this.

You can take screenshots of your mining amount daily.
Please upload this screenshot on your SNS daily.

Make it a habit to improve your daily SNS by screenshot.
Really, it's enough.

Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
Show off your daily mining volume to your friends.

My Bitcoin volume has been increased *** satoshi also today !!
Lucky !!

There were increased *** more Miners today !!
Thank you !!

Please continue this action every day.
Your daily amount of mining volume will must be accelerate to infinity.

Please do the same thing as daily meal report with screenshot of mining page.

Maybe many friends of you has been always doing this type food report.
It's really the same as it.

Just only showing off your mining daily report is really enough to succeed.
Many of your friends also will start thinking about mining Bitcoin just like you.

And it will accelerate with the time.

Even if you may be succeed to invite only one person in the first month.
Don't worry. It is enough and okay. No problem !!
Please keep up your dairy mining report.

In the next month, it will be possible to increase two persons.
And further in the next month, it will be three or four persons.
The more you get new miner, the faster to get another new miner.

Because this is really a system that nobody lose their money.

And they will understand soon.
What their Bitcoin will keep absolutely increasing forever !!

Truly. Only by do that. Not only you.
Every your friend's income will must be increase forever !!

There is absolutely
no need for you to force anyone.

It's really easy.
You only need to report daily and continue it.

At first, many of your friends will be watching with doubt.
But there is no need to worry about it.

Some of your friends will start less than a month.
And other friends will also start within a few months.
Because they will absolutely understand that this good chance.

The point of success is to proposal to everyone.
It is to keep upload their own daily screenshots just like you.

With just only keep it, you and your friends Bitcoin's income will grow forever.
And It will be a credible secondary income within about a one or two years.

Even early retirees in a few years may not be a dream !!

That's the CryptoTab !!

Let's try a CryptoTab Browser !!
Learn More
Download and setup takes less than a minute.
Chrome browser to mine bitcoins
Chrome browser to mine bitcoins

Chrome browser to mine bitcoins

Your Bitcoin will continues to increase at an incredible speed.

Cryptotab Browser is a Chrome Browser with Bitcoin mining function. If you're a Google Chrome user already, you don't have to worry about anything. Strong security is given by Google. And it's light and fast. If you log in with your Gmail address, everything will sync instantly. Of course, Favorites and Extensions are also the same. No one may notices anything. Also you !!

Still have questions??
Please check until you are convinced.
Please click on CryptoTab Browser file below after downloading to install the browser.
Open downloads list from above and click on CryptoTab Browser to install it on your computer
Chrome browser to mine bitcoins